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On one hand, rustic decor can refer to a simplicity that recollects a less modern world. This decorative scheme is marked by uncomplicated form, and components, which are often left in a natural unfinished state. The other definition for rustic decor refers to a style which draws a primitive power from natural materials. This form emphasizes a connection with the earth, with vegetation, with stone, and with wood. The following article discusses both of these interpretations as applied to a kitchen setting.

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Rustic Kitchen Decorating - Part 1
Country Rustic Decor

Country rustic decor refers to a decorative scheme marked by simplicity. This style is particularly appealing in the kitchen, which is the ancient, traditional center for the family home. While it has often been replaced by the den and its centerpiece of a television, the kitchen still has an important role for many families both as a source of meals and food, and as a place of interaction and warmth.

By choosing to incorporate elements of country rustic in your kitchen, you are whispering a silent statement of self expression into the room. This decorative style implies a belief in the goodness of sweet and simple things. It detests the complicated, and contests the mundane in a clash of whicker on stainless steal.

Country rustic is also tied to the past, and recalls a nostalgic memory of a perfect time of goodness and family. Whatever the reality, it is the symbolic nature of this decor, that evokes the sense of warmth that it adds to a space. While not necessarily the most extreme or exciting of styles, it adds a comfortable and gentle effect to a space, that makes it feel like a home.

Country Rustic Components

The country rustic style consists heavily of whicker, thatch, wood, wrought iron, and stone. These are timeless materials that have been used in decorative accessories in homes for centuries. Their tradition of use is specifically tied to country and farm life, because of the unpretentious nature of these materials, being relatively easy to acquire and shape.

In the kitchen, country rustic components can consist of whicker baskets, trays, napkin holders, and a slue of other items made from this material. Wooden bowls and spoons also fit into this scheme, and should be kept in a separate display from more modern steal utensils. Oak tables, counters, and chopping boards are also traditional elements of this kind of decorative scheme.

Rustic Kitchen Decorating - Part 2
Rustic Natural Decor

Many people feel isolated from the natural world, hidden away in offices filled with mold injected plastic. Secretly they yearn for the exhilaration of the wind, the ecstasy of sunlight, and the magnificence of the stars in the sky. Rustic natural decor, is a way to break through the modern morass, and bring a glimpse of the world outside, indoors. It reawakens primal instincts in people, invigorating and inspiring them to move mentally beyond the realm of the mundane.

Natural stone tiles, kitchen tiles, countertops, sinks, backsplashes, and slabs available from the pr of this article, PebbleArt Inc. Click here to find out more.

Rustic natural decor places a heavy emphasis on materials which come directly from nature, generally various types of wood and stone. While some pieces of wrought iron or whicker work may fit into such a decorative style, their obvious man made features isolates them from actually being a part of this movement. Natural rustic is about getting back in touch with the earth, and removing as many layers of human influence from elements of decor as you can.

Natural Rustic Components

The components of a natural rustic decor come in two varieties. The first has to do with existing structures and permanent fixtures, and involves dramatic changes to a space. The second focuses on decorative accents and home accessories, and requires a far less intense change in a space.

Natural rustic decor is a popular trend in home refinishing. Both wood and stone can be installed in a variety of applications including floors, walls, countertops, back splashes, and sinks. The many varieties of wood available provide a traditional look, while stone can either have a subdued classic feel, or a wild and colorful effect, depending on the type of stone used. Both of these materials can also be made highly resistant to stains with just a little careful treatment.

There are few materials more rustic than natural slate. With a rugged clefted exterior and wild chaotic colors, it embodies the idea of using nature to decorate your home
sandstone tiles
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As for rustic natural accessories, these are most often comprised of articles one would find in nature. The philosophy behind this decorative style is one which de-emphasizes the role of the manufacturing human, and focuses instead on the beauty that is inherent in the natural world. Many times these items are things you will find yourself, while enjoying the outdoors. However many companies also offer slightly more finished products such as natural decorative stone portraits, and crystalline desk accessories.


The world is scary and complicated. Many of us yearn for a simpler age, when we ran free in nature, connected to the world around us in everything we did. Rustic decor hearkens back to bygone eras, reminding us that we are not so very far from that primitive world of freedom and exhilaration.


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